Saturday, July 5, 2008
Thing #23!
What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
My favorite things through this experience were:Google reader, wikis, creating a blog, and learning about Library Thing - I love that!!!!!
How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
I have felt rather guilty the past year or so because I knew there was so much I DIDN'T know about technology! This was a great way to push myself to learn some new things in an area that is a bit overwhelming to me.
Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I was amazed at how much I could use personally! I use Google reader EVERY day now and had so much fun creating a wiki for a book club that I love.
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? I think this was a great program - very organized!!!! At times I needed help with a few things, and luckily I have a fabulous librarian that would email me/call me over the summer to lend support! It was A LOT to learn, so maybe having "mini sessions"? All in all - I am amazed at how you put this together!
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate? YES!
How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities? Challenging, rewarding and applicable!
Thing #22
One benefit of Nings, as mentioned in the article, was that it looks like a way for educators to communicate with students, and students with students, in a more "business related" fashion. I know some teachers that have MySpace and Facebook accounts that they invite their students to view and I've always felt a bit uncomfortable with seems a little too personal...although I do believe that this is the way kids are communicating nowadays and maybe Ning is a way for us to meet them where they are, without getting too personal. Hmmm...will have to continue thinking on that one!
Thing #21
More later... Here we go! My LMS sent me information on photo story and it was pretty easy after that! However, I don't have a microphone for my computer so I am not sure you will be able to hear my voice! Which may NOT be a bad thing!!!
OOPS - well it looks like it will not let me upload my video! It goes through the motions and then gives me a message to contact "support"!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thing #20
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Thing #19
In any case, I looked at Craigslist simply because I had heard about it but wasn't quite sure what it was all about. It was very easy to use and is a great tool to find local listings for all sorts of things in a variety of cities. I loved that is was very user friendly. They also had a link to the "Best Of" Craigslist which was hilarious, but certainly not appropriate content for students! Lulu was a great site in which you can publish your work and then sell it online! After taking NJWP training a few years ago, I remain mindful of the need to find creative ways for my students to be able to publish and share their work. This is a great tool for writers to get professional looking published works. I am not sure how user friendly it is, but it appeared to be fairly simple. Great activity!
Thing #18
Thing #17
Thing #16
Thing #15
Thing #14
Thing #13
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thing #12
For my 2 outside comments, I have been commenting this summer on several blogs that I have found listed on friend's blogs. One is by a mom who does these great story time activities with her kids and the other is an old colleague that I had lost touch with over the years. It certainly can be a small cyber world sometimes!
Thing #11
Thing #10
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thing #9
In any case, I did find some challenging and interesting information on today's treasure hunt!
* The easiest ways to find feeds was through using the easiest search tools! For me this was Google Blog search. I think it was easy for me because the format was familiar. Once I found a blog I liked, I would search all fo the blogs that were linked to that site and so on...that can keep you busy for quite some time!
* The School Library Blogs by Superglu was a little confusing for me...I wasn't sure if this was just a list of blogs or if there was a search option available that I was just not seeing. I really liked the edublog award winners, but again, I couldn't figure out how to search for other blogs from there. Obviously, I am missing something here! I will check with my school librarian! She knows all of this good stuff!
*I did find some blogs that I absolutely loved, and that I believe will be useful including:"Mr. Kindergarten", "Kindergarten Tales" and my favorite name for a blog, "Kindergarten Chaos: because blogging is cheaper than therapy". I love these sites because the teachers have great ideas but also are very real in their approaches. They are also just hilarious!
*Another search tool/site that I really liked was called "clairvoy". It had all kinds of teacher blogs including one called "Teacher Questions and Answers" in which teachers can write in questions for answers from other teachers. A little teacher "Dear Abby" interactive sort of thing. I love this!!!
One news feed that really challenged me was the edublog's winner for most influential post titled, "Is it okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher?" This was a very challenging and thought provoking article! It certainly challenged me in a new way!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Thing # 8 - Readers
Personally, I love the reader as it allows me to skim things quickly. It will also help me to stay focused on what is important to me versus searching a site at random. Which leads me to question #3!
I can see libraries and classrooms using readers for all sorts of things! One of the greatest challenges for students (myself included) is learning how to search effectively for information and knowing what information is true, accurate and useful. I can envision setting up a reader based on a certain topic or subject area (i.e. information on the upcoming election) that students and teachers could use to scan through the latest information from a variety of quality sites that are preselected by a librarian or media expert. I also think readers would be especially helpful for those students that are easily distracted. I know that pop-ups and advertisements drive me bananas (and are often a little dodgy) and I can imagine them being a serious distraction for some students.
By the way - I never knew that these things were out there in cyberland! How do you find about all of these savvy things???
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Thing #7 - Google
Thing #6 - Mash ups
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thing #5 - Flickr
Once again, I must say that I am so very happy that this course is being offered in the summer! As was true with the Avatars, I have spent entirely too much time looking at pictures on Flickr. One thing is for sure, I am going to need lots of more time learning how to refine my searches! I began looking for pictures of different types of homes and shelters, as we do a big unit on "wants and needs" and "homes". It is difficult for the kids to imagine different forms of shelter and having pictures of various types of structures would be great! I found some cool igloos that the kids would love! However, searching did take me a good deal of time, and I still need some practice on how to access different groups and use tabs. I ended up with this picture as I have the 4th of the July in my mind and we do a study on American symbols at the beginning of the school year. After learning about the flag, the kids seem to find it EVERYWHERE! I also thought this little pup was too cute not to post. By the way, it drives me nuts that Flickr is not spelled "Flicker". Oh well.