Monday, June 30, 2008

Thing #12

I love manners! As I tell me students, "Manners are magical!" I find it so interesting that as we develop new ways of communicating, we have to learn new types of etiquette! After reading several of the posts on commenting, these two stick out in my mind. #1 - contribute to the conversation vs. just making a random "right on!" type comment. We are always trying to be specific in our praise to children and I think that this is just good practice anywhere. It also raises the level of communication. The second point was in being respectful (or not being a Darth Commenter). Blogging, email and texting can be so quick that we sometimes write things without taking a second to reread our words before hitting send. I've done this in my own blog posts and had to go back and rewrite once I see how it looks on the blog page!
For my 2 outside comments, I have been commenting this summer on several blogs that I have found listed on friend's blogs. One is by a mom who does these great story time activities with her kids and the other is an old colleague that I had lost touch with over the years. It certainly can be a small cyber world sometimes!

1 comment:

Book Nook Girl said...

You have to share the one about the mom and her story time activities with your librarian!